Tollner exploiting other people's misery, says Anderson


Local Government Minister Dave Tollner has been accused of gross insensitivity by Alison Anderson, the head of  the Palmer United Party (PUP).
In a media statement Mr Tollner lashed out at the three members of the PUP for “failing their bush constituents by going home rather than take part in important debate on the Local Government Amendment Bill.
“They would rather put their feet up at home than represent their constituents in this important debate,” he said.
Asked for comment, Ms Anderson said she and Francis Xavier MLA were comforting – “as one would” – Arnhem MLA Larisa Lee who was “absolutely devastated” about a family member critically ill in hospital”. It was Ms Lee’s uncle, the younger brother of her father.
“We tried to settle her down,” says Ms Anderson. “We had to take her home at about 8.30 pm.” This was roughly the time of the Parliamentary debate.
Mr Tollner said Local Government is “the number one issue in the bush. It is the reason they won their seats and they couldn’t even be bothered to show up for the debate.
“The only times they are interested in talking is when it is either about funding for themselves, or to smear people as they hide in Coward’s Castle.” This is clearly a reference to allegations by Ms Lee on the floor of the parliament  that CLP figures had tried to bribe her to remain in the party.
Ms Anderson says Mr Tollner put out a media release “on the back of other people’s misery” and acted in ignorance of the facts.


  1. I used to think Anderson was a genuine voice of her electorate but now … I’ve simply stopped listening.
    Why? Because what she says now about the CLP is what she said yesterday about Territory Labor. Tomorrow she may say the same about the PUP Party.


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