Giles defeated in Braitling


p2274-Dale-WakefieldBy ERWIN CHLANDA
Labor’s Dale Wakefield (pictured) has won the seat of Braitling by 27 votes, defeating the former Chief Minister, Adam Giles.
That means the once mighty CLP does not have a single seat in Central Australia, its birthplace.
Labor’s Sandra Nelson has defeated former Deputy Chief Minister Willem Westra van Holthe in Katherine.
The CLP will have just two of the 25 seats in the Assembly.
Labor’s Deputy Leader Lynn Walker has lost her seat of Nhulunbuy to Independent Yingiya Mark Guyula by eight votes.
New Chief Minister Michael Gunner says the Labor Caucus will meet for the first time on Sunday, at which time a full cabinet and Deputy Leader will be elected.


  1. I doubt very much that the “hairy arm pitted southerner” will stick around after such a defeat!
    Congratulations Dale Wakefield, and to all the other campaigners who made a major impact on how people voted!

  2. Well done people in getting rid of the worst Chief Minister in the history of the Northern Territory! Fingers crossed for a better future …

  3. Adam Giles was not just a disappointment. He destroyed the credibility of the office and lied to me directly. The problems in Central Australian health are pervasive enough without having such distorted powerful figures appointing solutions without considering the facts.
    Bring on someone who will listen to the needs. It is not just the alcohol. It is the brain damage which reduces impulse control.
    Mandatory Rehab is a flagrant oxymoron which should be expunged from the NT vocabulary for ever!
    Why should public servants with good intent be squeezed out for telling the blatant truth?
    Dr G D McLaren
    Consultant Physician Inaugural Director Rehab Central Australia

  4. Labor won many of their seats because of the internal wars within the CLP.
    Had 1 Territory had not been formed by mainly discontented CLP members, then these votes, I presume, would remain with the CLP and they would have retained several more seats.
    Frankly, this is possibly the worst possible outcome for Labor. They now own the Territory with all the unsolvable problems that they have promised to solve. Good luck with that.
    And as to an opposition, well, there isn’t one.
    Individuals will have to do that for themselves.

  5. Congrats to Dale! Good riddens to Giles!
    Worst so-called Chief Minister in NT history, first historic one term government. Total disgrace and shame brought to CLP in Alice and generally by this man. I hear his house in Braitling is now on the market – good, leave!

  6. Giles: Is he gunna hang around, or is he one of those southerners Jacinta Price talks about coming here and telling us what to do.

  7. Congrats Dale! Well done. You have now a great responsibility: Work for all Territorians, but please do not forget the residents of Braitling.
    You are new in politics, but you deserved your portfolio “Minister for Territory Families”!
    When you settled down, could you plan to reserve a monthly day where your constituents can talk face to face with you: No secretary or adviser: YOU.


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