Tollner resigns as Deputy and from Cabinet


Dave Tollner has resigned as Deputy Chief Minister and from the Cabinet. This comes in wake of homophobic comments he made to a staffer who is the son of fellow Country Liberal parliamentarian Gary Higgins.
Chief Minister Adam Giles, under intense pressure inside the parliament and out since the comments were revealed in the NT News on Thursday, has accepted his resignation.
Earlier today Opposition Leader Delia Lawrie claimed the government was in crisis as a result of “Mr Giles’ inability to bring an end to the Tollner homophobic rant affair”. She said Kezia Purick, CLP Member for Goyder, reflected the mood of many when she wrote on Facebook, “Oh so it is now, oh poor me David, I am the victim? Give me a break.”
A chorus of commentators, from the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner to gay rights advocates and the general public, were outraged, said Ms Lawrie, with Mr Giles “more interested in protecting his mate than enforcing workplace norms”. 
No longer. Mr Giles issued a statement a short time ago.
“We have been given the privilege to govern by Territorians and with that comes an expectation that we do so with the highest standards,” said Mr Giles.
“Today is a stark reminder to politicians on all sides of politics that Territorians deserve the highest possible standards from us all. We must always be mindful that what we say and do impacts on everyone we represent. I pay tribute to David Tollner for understanding this.”
Mr Giles also praised Mr Tollner for his oversight of “major reforms in Local Government, Power and Water and Health, as well as delivering two budgets that have laid the foundation for my Government to deliver a better and secure future for all Territorians”.
He said he is looking forward to his continued input “as the Territory Government drives the development of Northern Australia”.
In the meantime, he will be taking responsibility for Mr Tollner’s ministerial portfolio areas.



  1. “Chief Minister Adam Giles accepted his resignation.”
    Giles should have shown some guts and leadership and sacked him! It was the other MLAs that have forced this, they should be commended.
    Hopefully they now get rid of Giles on Monday. Then we might actually get back to some governing. Apprenticeship Fail Giles.
    Just like the last state you tried to make a political name for yourself.

  2. Apart from the demotion in rank, Dave Tollner now has the luxury of sitting up the back with nothing to do but snipe and catcall at the Opposition. The prospect of the Speaker ejecting him from the chamber will mean he will be first in line for an early counter lunch. For that matter he doesn’t even have to turn up, still gets paid.

  3. Re last comment from Sean.
    Not the same Sean failed businessman who retired from life many years ago? I don’t value your opinion and I’m sure Adam Giles doesn’t either.

  4. Dave apparently enjoys a fairly expensive high flying lifestyle, Roger W, so he probably won’t like the hefty pay cut very much.

  5. David Tollner is a man (if we can call him that) with no ethics, no sense of pride and in all no respect for the Territorians who he is supposed and I say supposed to represent.
    David, you will never reach your aspiration of Chief Minister – just collect your pension and GO AWAY and while you are at it, take your boofy mate, Adam Giles and let the Territory get back onto its feet under which ever party wins the next election.

  6. @ Julie Robertson. No, not retired, far from it. Still happily working, living here in town. Until the so called CM performs and does what he promised over the years walking around town, frankly I don’t care what he thinks.
    In Opposition he had all the answers and it was also easy. Yet is Alice thriving? Is the region thriving? Is the NT thriving? Are any industries up on last year – no. Including valuable tourism – no. Is unemployment down – no. A cold hard fact: I take responsibility for myself, work for myself, provide for myself and answer to myself.
    Giles works for the government, he works for the people, he answers to the people! I can assure you at this level of performance his future, and the party’s is very grim – unless he wakes – and grows up!

  7. Good one Hal Duell, is there a hint somewhere and for ‘Julie Robertson’, obviously a CLP member – why oh why are you supporting such carnage.
    I so miss Alice Springs with its intrigues and misadventures – unfortunately I can’t get a job back there, so I watch from afar!


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