Council poll says 'no' to gallery at Anzac Oval


2549 Anzac Oval 2By ERWIN CHLANDA
The Town Council poll results made public a few minutes ago show 58% are against the National Aboriginal Gallery being built in the Anzac Oval precinct, and 42% were in favour of that site.
This is roughly the opposite of what Arts Ministers Dale Wakefield and Lauren Moss announced this morning as the result their three months long “engagement” with the public.
The outcome is bound to be a major consideration for the council’s decision on Monday: The council owns the oval.
The council’s on-line “community consultation” was conducted from June 25 to August 31. 850 responses were in support of the Former Anzac Hill School site being used and 1179 did not support the use of that site for the gallery.
Printed surveys were made available for those who did not have direct internet access or were vision impaired, and these surveys were later entered electronically (84 total) to form part of the final total, according to a report to be submitted to the Monday meeting.
There was an intentional decision to not use “pre-registration” options (i.e. providing email addresses, or web browser identification tools) as it was viewed that these could actively deter voter participation and would not provide genuine authentication (due to the use of fake and/or multiple emails addresses or web browsers).
While the online method did mean that multiple survey entries could be made, each entry was tracked via IP address, and duplications were isolated.
Another two authentication methods (i. e. date/time stamps) were applied to each submission to further test and determine authenticity.
Whilst there were duplications, these were easily identified from the back end and were isolated.
“Therefore, the above figures DO NOT include any duplications,” says the report.
“This data and the feedback received at the consultation stands, shows that the attached figures are a true representation of the community’s views of the change of use for Anzac Oval.”


  1. Fantastic news. We need to attend the council meeting on Monday to see what the council will do now.

  2. Why are not the pollies and their so-called public servants reading what the people of Alice Springs are answering in the polls?
    Which is Yes, to the Gallery but NO to the Anzac Oval site.
    How can this government even think of all this money for the art centre when they cannot fund the brand new hospital in Darwin?

  3. So the five adults at my house would have lost all but one vote as we are all on a single up address. lol. What of those who voted from multiple up addresses? Completely unreliable poll.


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