Architect of Katherine's masterplan to be Alice council CEO


2641 Robert Jennings OKBy ERWIN CHLANDA
The dynamic CEO of the Katherine Town C0uncil since February 2015, Robert Jennings (at right), will become the CEO of the Alice Springs Town Council in late August.
The holder of degrees in architecture, applied science, economics and a diploma in leadership and management developed a master plan for Katherine as a town providing a good future for its “children’s children”.
It is a “living document” with strategies that will strengthen what’s working well in the town, that will tap into new opportunities, and will also deal with what’s not working well, as he told the Alice Springs News in November 2017.
“Basically I spoke to as many people as I could, elected  members, staff, members of the community, government departments.
“After all that put I together a synopsis of what everyone was talking about, the vision for their state and their town. This I filtered down to a series of key projects in different areas.”
Mayor Damien Ryan, announcing Mr Jennings’s appointment today, said: “I also take this opportunity to extend our gratitude to retiring CEO Rex Mooney, who has dedicated 16 years of service to the Alice Springs community.


  1. There is a proposal before the Town Council and endorsed by the Deputy Chief Minister of the NT to have a park in Alice Springs named after Father Percy Smith.
    Perhaps the new CEO will take this up as a matter of priority?

  2. At last, a real chance for the development of a workable masterplan in turning around our town’s presently bleak outlook.
    My optimism is based upon reading Mr Jennings’ recent Big Rivers plan for the Katherine region, a well recommended read.
    I wish Robert Jennings all the best and hope he will have the support of all our councillors. Like Alex Nelson, I now have a strong reason to stay in the town.

  3. James (Posted June 6, 2019 at 8:14 am): How many parks in Alice Springs commemorate Aboriginal leaders or dignitaries?
    Nothing against Father Smith, but couldn’t we consider looking collectively at setting some priorities before rushing in to barrack for our favourite project?

  4. Along with Father Smith I agree with Ntharipe Observer that there are Aboriginal dignitaries who are worthy of having sites named after them in Alice Springs and environs.


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